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Volunteer Opportunities
Queens Public Library offers a variety of in-person and virtual service projects for individuals, ages 13 and up. Projects are posted year-round and hosted across the entire system.
VIEW ALL PROJECTS: Click the "Seach All Projects" button to view all available projects. Opportunities may be sorted based on filters such as distance, location and dates held.
VIEW POSITION BY TYPE: Scroll down this page to view a list of available projects based on specific type including: Adult Education, Activity Clubs, Clerical, Friends of QPL, Homework Helper, and Library Aide.
VIEW ONE DAY PROJECTS CALENDAR: Click the "Search (One Day Projects Calendar" link to view a calendar of upcoming single day activities by date.
FRIENDS OF QPL: The Friends of Queens Public Library are a network of passionate, informed, and caring individuals that support the library’s mission to cultivate personal and intellectual growth and build strong communities; by conveying to others the impact and importance of public libraries. Click to learn more.
PEER-TO-PEER SERVICE COLLECTIVE: The Peer-to-Peer Service Collective (P2PSC) is an opportunity for high-school students, 14-18 to bring their ideas for community service projects to the attention of Queens Public Library and help develop opportunities for teens to lead presentations, workshops, and other activities to strengthen their academic skills, and obtain insight and resources that help navigate the high school journey.