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Volunteer Opportunities
Queens Public Library offers a variety of in-person and virtual service projects for individuals, ages 13 and up. Projects are posted year-round and hosted across the entire system.
VIEW ALL PROJECTS: Click the "Seach All Projects" button to view all available projects. Opportunities may be sorted based on filters such as distance, location and dates held.
VIEW POSITION BY TYPE: Scroll down this page to view a list of available projects based on specific type including: Adult Education, Activity Clubs, Clerical, Friends of QPL, Homework Helper, and Library Aide.
VIEW ONE DAY PROJECTS CALENDAR: Click the "Search (One Day Projects Calendar" link to view a calendar of upcoming single day activities by date.
FRIENDS OF QPL: The Friends of Queens Public Library are a network of passionate, informed, and caring individuals that support the library’s mission to cultivate personal and intellectual growth and build strong communities; by conveying to others the impact and importance of public libraries. Click to learn more.