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Calling the Eco-Investigators
Three hundred eighty million metric tons of plastic are produced worldwide each year and 91% of plastic is not recycled. This includes everything such as plastic bottles, household items, toys, containers, utensils, and storage bags. Over time, the plastic degrades with smaller pieces (some are even microscopic) ending up in our oceans and rivers...eventually working its way into the food chain and the human body. This threat poses a massive risk to the environmental health of our global community.
Eco-Investigators is a service-learning project to explore the issue of microplastics in the community. This fun and unique community service project guides middle and high school students through an interactive journey combining elements of artivism, discussion, sound, and pictures to understand the problem of microplastics and its impact on us and the world we live in.
We've partnered with Cafeteria Culture to develop a seven-week project to help students learn about plastic pollution and explore the effects of how litter in your neighborhood connects to Environmental Justice. Students create a sound collage of thoughts, feelings, and possibilities from interviews with friends, family and others. Throughout the sessions, you will practice interviewing, sound design/production, and storytelling! There will be a special family field trip to conduct a litter clean-up and observe your surroundings with fresh eyes and a final art installation showcase! Students earn 12 hours of community service.