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Volunteer Milestones Wall of Fame

Queens Public Library recognizes the contributions of its volunteers during the season.   We send our thanks and appreciation to those individuals that completed a minimum of 75, 150 and 250 or more hours of service between October 2023 and May 2024.



250+ Hours
(Gold Level)

Ainsworth Savage

Berllelin Luciano

Cassandra Little

Diane Janoff

Farid Allah Morad

Hana Wong

Jane Porter

Jimmy Hernandez

Joselyn Cuesta

Joseph McNichols

Karen Leon

Lawrence Dong

Mihaela Alina Matei

Mimi Cheung

Mst Saba

Nourin Ahmed

Pauline Powell

Sejuti Mozumder

Timothy Luong

Tina Gao

Walter Ditman

150-249 Hours
(Silver Level)

Cristina Genao

Edward Schlesinger

Javonny Murphy

Margaret Balles

Michael Hung

Michelle Jackson

Shyanna Silva-Freeman

Wayne Rosen

75-149 Hours
(Bronse Level)

Andrew Dhanpaul

Andrew Hollander

Angela Dai





Common Messages